St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, Broughty Ferry
Our services
More about our worship
Within the Episcopal tradition our central rite is the Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or the Mass).
Founded upon Jesus’ final meal with his disciples in which bread and wine were made the signs of his body and blood, this rite celebrates His presence and His people once again offer their lives to God in union with Christ.
For our Holy Eucharist services on Sundays we use the Scottish Liturgy 1982 (revised 2022) at 11 am and the 1929 Scottish Prayer Book at 8.30 am.
Our readings (Old Testament, New Testament and Holy Gospel) are taken from the Revised Common Lectionary.
We use the Hymns Ancient & Modern Hymns and Songs for Refreshing Worship book which contains a mixture of traditional and newer hymns and these are played on the organ or piano by our organist Ian.​
We also have occasional Taizé services.​
Check our calendar for upcoming services
After our 11am service on Sundays and the 10.30 service on Wednesdays, everyone is invited to stay for refreshments and a time of fellowship.
Morning Prayer Online
A 25 minute online service via Facebook using the daily Scottish Episcopal Church Morning Prayer
Pastoral visiting team
Care of all God's people is very important to us; to this end, we have a dedicated Lay Pastoral Visiting Team who are willing to make contact with and visit those who might appreciate a listening ear and some extra support.
The Pastoral Visiting Team works closely with the Ministry Team and will refer people to the Team as needed.
In addition, our Rector, Reader & Lay Eucharistic Ministers will be happy to take Holy Communion to people in their homes.
If you or someone you know would appreciate a visit, either at home or in hospital, please leave a message on 01382 781659.