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Church groups

Knit and Natter

We meet every Wednesday 11.15 am until 2 pm (sometimes later) in the church. We have made hats to send to  the Mission for Seafarers and Christmas angels and Easter chicks to hand out in "The Ferry". Join in our projects or just bring your own knitting or crocheting.  All welcome to come along even just for a natter and a cuppa! 


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Church Choir
Mothers' Union

The Mothers' Union is an International Christian Organization with over 3.5 million members in 76 countries across the world. In Scotland, it is an active forward-looking organization in a modern, changing world.

Projects we have undertaken include making gowns for still-born babies, teddies for children traumatized by tragedy or hospitalization, and bonnets for SKBU at Ninewells Hospital.

We are linked by correspondence to the MU at Christchurch, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia.

For further information,  please contact Rosemary Stirling. 

Social Committee
Birthday Party
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Book Group

We meet every 6-8 weeks in Willows  Coffee Shop in Broughty Ferry to discuss the book we have chosen to read. Book groups are a great way of broadening your horizons and reading something you might not usually read. All welcome to join us. Find out about the next book and meeting in the latest newsletter.

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