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St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, Broughty Ferry
St. Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church has been a faithful worshipping community in Broughty Ferry for over 150 years.​
Our community is part of the
The Scottish Episcopal Church,
which is itself a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.​
For times when our community is not using it, we are pleased to accept enquiries from community groups seeking to use our church building.
Our church is wheelchair accessible.​​

Next services
​​​​​​​​​​Wednesday 5th February
10:30 am - Service of Holy Communion (Said - (Scottish Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 9th February
8:30 am - Service of Holy Communion (Scottish Book of Common Prayer)
11:00 am - Service of Holy Communion (1982 Service Book)
5:00 pm Taize Service
St Mary's News
Upcoming events
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